Member’s Update May 2024

As most will be aware we have had a change on the committee with Laurie Parsons stepping down as Vice President and Kylie Cooper accepting an approach from the committee to step into the role.  Though Laurie has stepped down he has and continues to assist in the running of the club in various ways for which we remain very grateful.  We welcome Kylie onboard and look forward to working with her.

Reminder to all that we are back to the chickens for lunch, and it is the expectation that everyone who wants to have chicken also contributes something to the lunch (e.g. a salad, sides or sweets).  We will continue to harp on about this until it sinks in! For those that have specific dietary needs or even just a preference for something different feel free to bring your own food.

Also, the coffee and tea that is supplied is available for a gold coin donation – it is not a free for all.

As mentioned previously the mystery peg is now available during club championship events so make sure you record them, along with high scores (120+), on the back of today’s game sheets.

State Events are tabled at the end of the newsletter with where, when and close-off dates for nominations.  Remember, for state events it is a $10 nomination fee per player payable before closing date.  This is the last chance to nominate for the State Singles in Bunbury (25th & 26th May) – which includes paying your nomination fee.

Nomination forms for all remaining state events and the club singes championships are now available for sign-ups.  Closing dates for these all come in a rush over the next couple of months so if you want to particiapte check the sign-up sheets and get your nomination fee (for state events) in.

National nomination forms are also available, they can be accessed via the Mandurah or WA State legends websites (look under documents) or see Peter.  Please be aware that each competitor is now required to fill out an individual nomination form and again these forms must be sent / given directly to the State co-ordinators (see nomination sheet) before the end of June.

If you have questions on any of the above or anything else, then please see one of our committee members.

Good darts,

Mandurah Legends Darts Committee

State Events
EventDateHost Club
Nominations Close*
Singles25 & 26th MaySouthwest
May 13th
Mixed Doubles29th & 30th JuneNorthern (Kingsway)June 17th
Doubles27th & 28th JulyFremantle (Spearwood)July 15th
Teams10th & 11th AugustEastern (Belmont)July 29th
*Nominations must be in by the club day immediately prior to the above closing dates

Join us on Facebook “Mandurah Dart Legends Inc” and set-up a browser shortcut to our website ( for on-going updates and other important information.  This update will be posted on those sites.

State website is

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