Member’s Update March 2024

Welcome to our third club day for the year and the second edition of our newsletter.

Firstly, we would like to formally welcome Margaret Edwards to the committee in the role of Assistant Secretary.  Thank you, Margaret, for putting your hand up and we look forward to working with you.

After consultation with the sponsors of the mystery peg, we have agreed to make the following changes, commencing immediately:
– Mystery peg will be available at all events including club championships.
– If there is no winner the prizemoney will carried forward.
– The maximum payout at any one event will be the lesser of the carried forward amount or $200 and will be shared by all winners.
– Excess prizemoney, after a payout, is carried forward and included in prizemoney pool for next event.

The modified jackpot approach has been chosen to try and spread the prizemoney out more evenly.

After discussing with the catering sub-committee, we are looking for volunteers to help and provide salads and / or side dishes.  This is to try and reduce the workload on the ladies who have put in a mountain of work so far.  If you are able and willing to help out, please have a chat with Tags.  If we can get enough volunteers on a roster system this will help spread the load.

It is coming closer to that time of the year when nominations for championship events roll out one after the other.  For State events it is a $10 nomination fee per player payable before closing date and the full list of events is tabulated at the end.  Singles and Mixed Doubles nomination forms are available.  If you want to get nominations in early for the other events, see Peter.

National nomination forms are now also available, they can be accessed via the Mandurah or WA State legends websites (look under documents) or see Peter.  Please be aware that each competitor is now required to fill out a nomination form.

And the final thing on events is our own club championships.  We do require nominations ahead of the day, though you just pay on the day, as it helps us organise divisions ahead of time.  The club doubles (May) and singles (July) nomination forms are available.  With our growth in membership, there is likely to be a need for extra boards, so it is even more critical to let us know as early as possible.  Note we have borrowed two extra boards for this month.

If you have questions on any of the above or anything else, then please see one of our committee members.

May your arrows fly straight,

Mandurah Legends Darts Committee

State Events
EventDateHost Club
Nominations Close*
Singles25 & 26th MaySouthwest
May 13th
Mixed Doubles29th & 30th JuneNorthern (Kingsway)June 17th
Doubles27th & 28th JulyFremantle (Spearwood)July 15th
Teams10th & 11th AugustEastern (Belmont)July 29th
*Nominations should be in by the club day immediately prior to the above closing dates
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