Member’s Update August 24

I’m sure you are still recovering from the lack of a newsletter last month, apologies but it all got busy organising the singles.  But here we are with Member’s Update August 24 with a few little bits of information.

Firstly, the last of the State Events is coming up next weekend with teams at Belmont.  You know the drill but remember you need to wear a club shirt, black pants (no leggings), skirt or dress shorts.  Be there before 9am on the Saturday to make sure are checked in.  They have organised a caterer for lunches so you can only take nibbles to snack on (if you have special diet needs that require you to bring own food then please let us know beforehand).

Last weekend was the State Doubles at the Dalmatinac Club.  Mandurah again brought home a share of the trophies and well done to all our winners, runners-up and all our participating members.  The overall results are available on our and the WA Legends websites.

We will hold our next club members meeting, prior to play at our September 8th club day.  As discussed at the AGM, we will present a projection of our 2025 opening financial position at that meeting.  We will advise any other agenda items beforehand but if there is something specific you want us to cover, please let us know in advance.

Some will have noticed we trialled a carpet floor covering during our Club Singles.  This is part of an on-going discussion between us and MDLDA about how we might better protect the club’s dance floor.  Unfortunately, the trial pieces showed signs of early wearing and we don’t believe it will be a cost-effective option.  We have agreed to look at more hard-wearing options but with the associated increase in costs both clubs will look for external funding next year before committing.  In the meantime, MDLDA will replace some of the current mats.

We have confirmed the Bowling Club venue and caterer for our end of year AGM / wind-up on Sunday December 8th (lunch).  At our members meeting in March, it was agreed to charge a refundable, on arrival, deposit for the lunch and we will be implementing that when we start taking down numbers.

Our proposed clean-up of the Facebook group has been going slow, due to life, but we have removed some duplicate or defunct accounts and put together a list of all 321 members to start working through.  We have also implemented new applicant requirements that they must answer a couple of questions and acknowledge they have read the Facebook group rules before we will consider.  It will be a bit-by-bit process.

Much to the Secretary’s relief there is only one more event to collect nominations for and that is our Club Mixed Doubles on the 6th of October.  There will be sign-up sheets available today (4th August) and our September 8th club day – please put your names down if wanting to play.  Fees paid on the day as per a normal club day.

If you have questions on any of the above or anything else, then please see one of our committee members.

May your arrows fly straight,
Mandurah Legends Darts Committee

Join us on Facebook “Mandurah Dart Legends Inc” and set-up a browser shortcut to our website ( for on-going updates and other important information.  This update will be posted on those sites. State website is

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