Members Newsletter February 2025

What a great start to the year with 79 players currently registered and several regulars still to return after an extended Xmas break (well the weekend smashed that, and we are now at 111 financial members).  Welcome to all the new and returning members.

We will have our first members meeting on the 9th of March.  The intention is to start the meeting shortly after 9am, while the draw is being done. The meeting will include an update from the committee, probably in lieu of a newsletter, but also an open floor for members to ask any questions.  If there is anything major you want raised, then please let the committee know beforehand so we can prepare whatever information may be needed to promote the discussion.

We have submitted our initial list of registered members to the Halls Head Bowling Club and will finalise the outstanding reimbursements for HHBC social members as we catch up with them.  For anyone else who joins the Bowling Club, just let the bowling club know you are already on the Legends registered list – they will give you a $10 discount.  When you receive your membership number, please let us know as well.

For the ladies who play in the MDLDA we have also provided a list to them, so they know who is already covered as a social or temporary member and therefore not required to pay via MDLDA.

A few years back the Mandurah Legends Messenger group was started primarily as a means of members letting us know they were attending events.  However, this has now been superseded by Facebook events.  Messenger is primarily a social chat platform and whilst it works great for small groups of people it is ineffective as way of communicating or finding information for large groups where posts immediately get buried amongst a sea of replies or other chat.  We believe that Facebook in conjunction with our website is a much better communication strategy and from now on these are the only club moderated official information and communication platforms.  If people still want to participate in the social side of the messenger group that is up to them, but the club will not be using it or taking any responsibility for moderating its content.

The first shirt orders have been received, if you weren’t there on Sunday, you can collect them next month from Sandra Rance or catch me (Peter 0407 441 285) within the next couple of weeks.  Once there is enough interest, we will look at doing another order later in the year. In the meantime, we still have some spare (unnamed) shirts available for sale.

We are looking at potential sponsors / donations for general club requirements and for our State Event later in the year.  If you are aware of any businesses who may be interested have a chat with Sandra Rance.

State event dates are provided at the end, we haven’t received nomination forms yet so don’t have the official nomination closing dates but expect we will be closing our nominations, for State Teams (Southwest Club), on the 4th of May.

Our first club championship event is the Doubles Championship on the 4th of May and we will take nominations for that in April.

 May your darts fly true

The Committee

Join us on Facebook “Mandurah Dart Legends Inc” and set-up a browser shortcut to our website ( for on-going updates and other important information.

State Events
EventDateHost Club
Nominations Close*
Teams17th & 18th MaySouthwest
(SW Italian Club)
4th May
Doubles26th & 27th JulyFremantle (Dalmatinac Club)7th July
Singles16th & 17th AugustEastern (Belmont)3rd August
Mixed Doubles20th & 21st SeptemberMandurah (Halls Head Bowling Club)31st August

*Nomination closing dates are estimates of our last club day before official nominations close (to be confirmed)

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